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It won’t be much longer now!

I’m sorry it has taken me a while to get out my latest newsletter, but believe me I have been busy finishing edits and researching a few new books. The good nes is “Take a Walk on the Darkside: Rock and Roll Myths, Legends, and Curses” will be in bookstores BY July 13, 2004. My publicist says the books will leave the warehouse on June 16th and that I should receive my promo copies a little before that shipment occurs. That means it’s time for another give away! When I have the copies in hand I’ll send out a newsletter offering to send you a signed copy. I know that many of you have searched in vain for a copy of “Hellhounds on Their Trail.” Some of you I have actually helped track one down. If you will send me an email saying why you should be the winner I’ll make a decision and send you a copy by Fed Ex or my Priority Mail.
As to our last contest, I’d like to congratulate Vickie C. from Indiana as our winner. I was impressed with the speed in which she answered the questions and I now know where to turn for some assistance with my research.. 🙂 Vickie, I hope you enjoy your copy of “Hellhounds on Their Trail!”
I’m now going to give you the inside scoop on “Take a Walk on the Darkside.” This is the book I wanted “Hellhounds” to be. I want to thank Simon and Schuster (Fireside Press) and my editor Brett Valley for allowing me the opportunity to do the book as orignally intended. In this edition you will find all the stories you’ve heard me tell on radio and television plus several new tales. You will also notice that “Take a Walk on the Darkside” contains over twenty photographs. I can assure you, the wait will be worth it.
I may do a few book signings in a few areas so I’ll keep you posted as to my schedule. I’d like to meet each one of you and spend some time chatting. I’ve spoken with Lisa, producer for Coast to Coast, and we are working on scheduling another appearance this summer. There will be listings on my website of all upcoming events so I’ll be in touch.
Here are Vickie’s answers to my “Hellhounds” quiz questions. Enjoy–

1. Where did I get the title “Hellhounds on Their Trail?” From the Robert Johnson song…”Hellhound on my Trail”

2. Who sold Ricky Nelson the tragic plane that took his life? Jerry Lee Lewis

3. Whose wallet was found at the site of the Buddy Holly plane crash
suggesting that he was killed along with Holly, Valens, and the Big
Bopper? Tommy Douglas Allsup

4. What country song was written by the Big Bopper that included he
George Jones singing backup? “Running Bear” by Johnny Preston

5. What was the name of the occult bookstore Jimmy Page owned that
specialized in the selling of Crowley manuscripts? The Equinox

6. Which man allegedly gave a death bed confession claiming that he
killed Brian Jones? Frank Thoroughgood

7. What do Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and
Brain Jones all have in common? (besides simply being dead rock
stars!) 27 years old at the time of their deaths

8. Which band has a “hot seat” for keyboard players? The Grateful Dead

9. What was the meaning behind the Allman Brothers’ Band LP “Eat a
Peach?” When asked by an interviewer what he was doing for the anti-war effort, Duane Allman answered “There ain’t no revolution, it’s evolution, but every time I’m in Georgia I Eat a Peach for peace.”

10. Who was the subject behind Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “That Smell?” Ronnie Van Zandt was angered when Gary Rossington and Allan Collins were always out wrecking cars and getting DUIs…so that song came out of his ire. Ironic that those 2 did survive the plane crash though.

11. What is the address of the Dakota in New York and which hospital was
John Lennon pronounced dead–give the address of the hospital as well. The Dakota is located at 1 West 72nd St (Central Park West) The hospital is the Roosevelt Hopital and it is located at 1000 10th Ave NY NY 10019

12. Who was the bassist in Hole that died shortly after Kurt Cobain in
Seattle whose death also conatined several mysterious circumstances? Kristen Pfaff died on 6-16-94 from an overdose

13. What song had the first ever backward vocal track? “Rain” vocal track recorded on 4-16-66
14. Which band was rumored to have made a pact with the devil in the
1960s? Tricky Question here….The Rolling Stones had rumors involving a pact with Old Scratch and Led Zeppelin’s start was in the late 60s and everyone knows they sold their souls to Satan!!! LOL
15. Name two aliases associated the mysterious PAul McCartney lookalike in 1969. William Campbell and William Sheppard….also a “vocal imitator” only, Terry Draper is rumored to exist

Here ya go Gary!! Be sure to let me know the correct answers! Thanks a bunch. VC

Now, you are on your way to your doctorate in Rock-n-Roll Myths and Legends!

Best Wishes,
